§ 35-7. Sick and other leave.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    All employees shall receive sick leave credits at the rate of 10 hours per month for forty-hour employees and 8.75 hours per month for thirty-five-hour employees. Sick leave not used within a specific year may be accumulated from year to year with no maximum limitation.
    Sick leave credits shall not be earned for the period an employee is on leave of absence without pay, or for any reason taken off the Village payroll. Sick leave shall be taken in hours.
    The Village Treasurer's office shall maintain individual leave records for each eligible employee and provide a quarterly report of leave credits to all employees.
    An employee who is injured on the job and is eligible to draw workmen's compensation benefits is specifically excluded from the benefits, except that s/he may use all accumulated leave during the waiting period before compensation payments begin. If workmen's compensation benefits are subsequently paid for periods of time that the employee has received regular wages, said wages shall be reimbursed to the Village.
    The Village shall, upon the request of the injured employee, supplement said employee's compensation payment to provide an amount equivalent to his/her normal pay rate by drawing on unused accumulated leave of that employee. In no case shall an employee on compensation receive more than his/her normal pay from the combined sources, Village and compensation benefits, nor shall the Village make any supplemental payments to the employee after all accumulated leave has been used, without a resolution from the Village Board.
    An employee receiving compensation payments while off the job shall be considered as being on a leave of absence, and said absence shall not constitute a break in service.
    All employees, except the Chief of Police, shall be entitled to five days' personal leave, with pay, per year. Unused leave is not accruable from year to year; however, unused leave may be converted to sick leave credit. The Chief of Police shall be entitled to four days' personal leave, with pay, per year. Said leave is not accruable from year to year.
    [Amended 8-21-2000 by L.L. No. 10-2000; 6-23-2005 by L.L. No. 3-2005]
    All employees, except the Chief of Police, shall be entitled to four days' bereavement leave, with pay, per year for death of employee's or spouse's parent, grandparent, child, brother or sister. Unused bereavement leave is not accruable from year to year. The Chief of Police shall be entitled to eight bereavement days with pay, per year, but a maximum of four days per death. Said leave may be used upon the death of the employee's parent, spouse, child, brother or sister, grandparent or spouse's parent, brother or sister. Said leave is not accruable from year to year.
    [Amended 8-21-2000 by L.L. No. 10-2000]
    Sick-day payments up to a maximum of 85 days and payable at a rate of $25 per sick day shall be made to employees upon retirement for days accumulated over 165 days.
    [Added 1-7-2002 by L.L. No. 1-2002]
    Employees who have no absences for sick leave, disability leave, or worker's compensation shall receive $75 per quarter, payable in the first pay period of the next quarter.
    [Added 9-16-2002 by L.L. No. 16-2002]